Karmic Confessions Messages 1 Oracle Deck
This is the first deck in the Karmic Confessions series. It is to be used in tandem with Karmic Confessions Messages 2. It is a 50 oracle card deck with messages from the Divine Masculine’s Karmic Partner to the Divine Feminine as well as messages about different karmic patterns holding the Masculine back from reaching divine union with his feminine.
The intention behind this deck is to know what the karmic partner is feeling and what messages does she/he have for you. This reveals hers/his true intentions and feelings, as well as any dark secrets they may have that your Divine Masculine does not know. This can be used to warn your Divine Masculine of any red flags if they are a believer of readings, or you can use this information to your advantage to allow them to deal with their karma.
Please be mindful that some messages could be heartbreaking and may trigger you. It is important to understand where you are in your journey in order to fully be aware of your triggers and how to manage them so that union would be possible. If something is triggering you, sit with it for a moment and see why it is still there and how you can nurture and love on yourself in order to heal those wounds that cause triggering results.
2.75”x4.75” (70×120mm)
50 cards
Card stock: (S30)
Standard Smooth finishing:
MPC game card finish
Packaging: Shrink-wrapped
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